Saturday, August 11, 2018

Daily Prayer for Trump Administration

Daily Prayer for Trump Administration

Let us pray for the Trump administration. That your light, Lord Jesus Christ, may constantly shine on them. In that way, their motives and actions may become transparent to all people.

Therefore, those who for one reason or another may be inclined to follow them and defend them blindly, may no longer follow them based on the new information they get from your revelation; and that those who for whatever reason may be inclined to reject them and attack them blindly, may begin to acknowledge their good will, if they are in fact benevolent.

That Donald Trump’s true relationship with Vladimir Putin may be revealed openly and clearly, and that his administration and associates may not attempt to conceal it. In that way all Americans can choose to support him or oppose him based on facts.

That if the Trump administration chooses to serve satan by lying (John 8:44) to the American people, their own lies will circle around and ensnare them. That the more they lie the more they will trip, and the more they tell the truth, the more you will up lift them up Lord. We pray this in your Holy Name Jesus Christ. Amen!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Daily Prayer for President Trump

Let us pray for the president of the United States Donald Trump. That your light, Lord Jesus Christ, may constantly shine on him. In that way, his motives and actions may become transparent to all people.

Therefore, those who for one reason or another may be inclined to follow him and defend blindly, may no longer follow him based on the new information they get from your revelation; and that those who for whatever reason may be inclined to reject him and attack him blindly, may begin to acknowledge his good will, if he is in fact benevolent.

That Donald Trump’s true relationship with Vladimir Putin may be revealed openly and clearly, so that all Americans can choose to support him or oppose him based on facts.

That if he chooses to serve satan by lying (John 8:44) to the American people, his own lies will circle around and ensnare him. That the more he lies the more he will trip, and the more he tells the truth, the more you will up lift him up Lord. We pray this in your Holy Name Jesus Christ. Amen!