Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Is Your Pastor Always Talking About Politics? It's Time to Leave

Did You Know Political Preachers Are Agents of Satan? Politics is satan's playground and those who play politics from behind the pulpit must play by evil satan's rules.

Think about it. Everything your pastor is telling you about how Christians should vote for this guy and the other, or should get involved into rigging this government entity or the other contradicts the Gospel.

Politics is not about love. Politics is about taking the other person and defeating them and conquering them at whatever cost. Does that sound Christian to you? Obviously not!

So it is time to pack up and leave your politics loving preacher behind and find a church where Jesus Christ is the center of the message.

Listen to this podcast that speaks more about these very evil preachers of sin and how they are not part of Christ's Church. Click on this link:  http://clkit.us/2ghAk2h #retweet #pray #conservative #Christian #JesusChrist #foxnews

Monday, November 28, 2016

Wanna Start Your Day Off Right? Start With Prayer!

Have you ever gotton off the wrong side of the bed? Nothing cures that bad day blues better than starting out with prayer.

The great thing is that you dont have to pray all by yourself. We can help you start off you day the right way. Pray with us every day. Join us for Morning Prayer by following this link at our blog Mission Planters Network http://missionplanters.com/2016/10/22/join-us-for-morning-prayer/ #Christ  #retweet #Clearwater #Florida #God #HolySpirit

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Friday, November 25, 2016

Listen to Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotions on acast

Listen to Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotions on acast . It is a great way to keep your prayer life going as you seek to be more intimate with the Heart of Jesus Christ. Here is the link: https://www.acast.com/sacredheartofjesusdevotion #retweet #JesusChrist #HolySpirit #pray

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

If Your Pastor Endorsed Evil is Because Politics Is His Thing

If Sunday after Sunday all you hear about is politics from the pulpit, you have a political preacher. If the majority of guest speakers that come to your church are political candidates, or people who want to talk about politics, your preacher is a politician not a pastor. In fact, you church is simply an arm of whatever political party your preacher endorses.

So if you want to hear the Gospel, that is not the congregation for you. Confront the pastor and if he does not change his evil ways, go to another congregation where politics is not allowed from behind the pulpit.

Listen to this podcast and pass it on: http://clkit.us/2ghxH0f

Listen to "Political Preachers Agents of Satan" on Spreaker.

No Need to Stress Over Your Travel!

Traveling for the holidays to visit family, friends or just to get away can be so much fun. However, it can be a stressful time before departing for your destination. One thing that tends to stress people out is the budget. I mean, you usually have to buy gifts and of course there is the expense of travel. 

But DiscountedVacation.net is here to help at least with some of your travel expenses.
Take advantage of $30 off Coupon for Holiday Travel! http://discountedvacation.net/savings/?p=61 #retweet #coupon #discount #blackfriday #vacation #travel

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

With So Much Sin Around Us, What Are We To Do?

The podcast on the blog referenced below contains a short message that deals with this issue of sin in the world and how we should perhaps deal with it.  I hope you enjoy it, and while you at it share it with all your social network contacts. May God bless you and your loved ones.

With So Much Sin Around Us, What Are We To Do?

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A FREE discount prescription drug card savings up to 80%

A FREE discount prescription drug card entitling your family & pets savings up to 80% http://clkit.us/2bWoPIr #retweet #coupons #discounts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

#Christians join us for evening prayer now!

#Christians join us for evening prayer now! http://missionplanters.com/2016/11/20/join-us-for-evening-prayer/ #retweet #pray #JesusChrist #HolySpirit #HeartofJesus #NewPortRichey

#Racist People Spit On The Face Of #God

Some people believe that their race is better than other races. This type of hateful and unfounded thinking is not limited to just white people, people of other races have racist ideas as well.

However, because of the vast majority of people that have managed to work themselves into the power structure are white, and many of those people have unfortunately been racist, people associate racism with whites.

I will say however,that the majority of white people are not racist, and most people are not racist as well. Racism is such an abomination that must people reject it.

Below is a podcast to a message I shared about racism. It was meant to give encouragement to the victims of racism and to give a spiritual warning to those who are not racist but stand by as racist attack other people. 

#Racist People Spit On The Face Of #God | Meditations for the … http://clkit.us/2eKNy7B #cnn #foxnews #Christians #conservative #Christ